Job Title | Job Description |
PROGRAMME LEADER – ART TLR 2B | We are seeking to appoint a well qualified and experienced Teacher of Art to lead this very successful department within the Design Faculty. Teaching throughout the school from KS3 to A Level, the successful candidate will be leading an enthusiastic and popular department. Temple Moor High School is a successful and oversubscribed 11 – 18 school with over 1300 students on roll. The school has gained national recognition for the progress made in raising standards of achievement but we are determined to do even better. The school has Science College status, and extensive rebuilding including a new Design suite is planned for completion in the near future. Temple Moor is situated in a pleasant residential area on the South Eastern outskirts of Leeds within easy reach of the A1/M1 link road. The school is committed to professional development, continuous improvement of teaching and learning and the achievement of the highest possible academic and social standards. Application forms and further particulars are available from the school and via the website www.templemoor.co.uk Completed applications should be returned by post to the school by Friday 12 May 2006. Interviews will take place on Wednesday 17 May 2006. |
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL L13 – 17 | Assistant Principal Permanent Full Time Leadership Range L13 – 17 We are seeking to appoint a dynamic, enthusiastic and successful professional to join the leadership team at a very exciting time in the school’s development. Temple Moor is in the first phase of the ‘Building Schools for the Future ‘ programme and we want to gain the greatest advantage for our learners and community from this fantastic transformational opportunity. You will join a highly effective team committed to continuous improvement, raising standards, and delivering on the Every Child Matters agenda. The exact responsibilities of the position will be decided once the person is in post and in discussion with the individual and the team Temple Moor is a successful and oversubscribed 11-18 school with over 1300 students on roll. The school gained Science College Status in 2004 and works collaboratively with other local schools and children’s services providers. If you have a commitment to teamwork, innovation and improving standards plus the ability to turn vision into reality please consider joining us. Application packs are available from the school and via the school website www.templemoor.co.uk Completed applications should be returned by post to the school in the addressed envelope included in the by Thursday 11 May 2006. For further details and an informal chat contact Diane Potter, HR Manager, telephone: 0113 3368217. Interviews will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday 23 and 24 May 2006. |